
Blog Entries - 'Exercise'

SAD in the summertime? It's possible

While waiting for my turn to see my doctor recently, I sat across from two women engrossed in conversation. "You get this way during the winter," one of the women told the other. "You\'re down for awhile, right?

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3 Ways to Help Your Emotional Wellbeing

You\'ve probably heard it around home, work or school when you get sick: "Take good care of yourself!" But while people are typically talking about your physical health, it\'s also important to keep your emotional

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Eight Fitness Traditions to Start with Your Family

May 19, 2014  |  Exercise

Dr. Gene Roehlkepartain We all want our children to grow up healthy, and we know it is important that they eat nutritious foods and get exercise. Yet mothers, fathers, and other parenting adults often struggle to

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